AITA for Kicking a Server Out of My Wedding?

AITA for Kicking a Server Out of My Wedding?

Planning a wedding is stressful enough, but what happens when a vendor you've hired for your big day makes a major faux pas? That's exactly what happened to a bride who recently posted on Reddit's "Am I the A**hole" (AITA) forum seeking advice on whether she was in the wrong for kicking a server out of her wedding.

According to the bride, the server in question was rude, inefficient, and even spilled wine on one of the wedding guests. When she politely asked the server to adjust their behavior, they became even more hostile. After several attempts to resolve the issue, the bride had had enough and asked the server to leave the wedding.

The bride's post quickly went viral, sparking a heated debate in the comments section. Some users supported the bride's decision, arguing that the server's behavior was unacceptable and that she was justified in asking them to leave. Others, however, felt that the bride was overreacting and that she should have handled the situation differently.

AITA for Kicking a Server Out of My Wedding?

Here are 10 important points to consider when evaluating whether the bride was justified in kicking the server out of her wedding:

  • Server was rude and inefficient
  • Server spilled wine on guest
  • Bride politely asked server to improve behavior
  • Server became hostile
  • Bride asked server to leave
  • Some guests supported bride's decision
  • Some guests felt bride overreacted
  • Bride's post went viral on Reddit
  • Incident sparked heated debate
  • No consensus on whether bride was justified

Ultimately, whether or not the bride was justified in kicking the server out of her wedding is a matter of opinion. There are valid arguments to be made on both sides of the issue.

Server was rude and inefficient

According to the bride's Reddit post, the server in question was rude and inefficient throughout the wedding reception. They were slow to take orders, spilled drinks, and even bumped into several guests. The bride and her guests were becoming increasingly frustrated with the server's poor service.

On one occasion, the server spilled a glass of red wine on one of the wedding guests. The guest was understandably upset, and the bride had to apologize profusely. The server then proceeded to argue with the guest, further escalating the situation.

The bride eventually approached the server and politely asked them to improve their behavior. However, the server became defensive and hostile. They refused to take responsibility for their mistakes and even accused the bride of being unreasonable.

After several attempts to resolve the issue, the bride had had enough. She asked the server to leave the wedding reception immediately.

The bride's decision to kick the server out of her wedding was a controversial one. Some guests supported her decision, arguing that the server's behavior was unacceptable. Others, however, felt that the bride was overreacting and that she should have handled the situation differently.

Server spilled wine on guest

One of the most egregious incidents that occurred during the wedding reception was when the server spilled a glass of red wine on one of the wedding guests. The guest was wearing a white dress, and the wine stain was very noticeable.

  • The server was careless and clumsy.

    The server was carrying a tray of drinks when they bumped into the guest, spilling the wine on her dress. It was clear that the server was not paying attention to what they were doing and was not taking proper care of the guests.

  • The server was rude and dismissive.

    After spilling the wine on the guest, the server did not apologize or offer to help clean up the mess. Instead, they argued with the guest and accused her of being clumsy.

  • The server escalated the situation.

    The guest was understandably upset about the wine stain on her dress. However, the server's rude and dismissive behavior only made the situation worse. The guest became increasingly agitated, and the other guests started to take notice of the commotion.

  • The bride had to intervene.

    The bride eventually had to intervene and ask the server to leave the wedding reception. The server refused to leave at first, but the bride eventually convinced them to leave.

The server's behavior was unacceptable. They were careless, clumsy, rude, and dismissive. Their actions ruined the guest's dress and caused a scene at the wedding reception. The bride was justified in asking the server to leave.

Bride politely asked server to improve behavior

After the server spilled wine on the guest, the bride politely asked them to improve their behavior. She explained that their behavior was unacceptable and that they were ruining the wedding reception for the guests.

The server became defensive and hostile. They refused to take responsibility for their mistakes and even accused the bride of being unreasonable. The bride tried to remain calm and professional, but the server continued to argue with her.

The bride eventually realized that the server was not going to change their behavior. She asked the server to leave the wedding reception, but the server refused. The bride then had to ask the venue manager to intervene and remove the server from the premises.

The bride was justified in asking the server to improve their behavior. The server was rude, inefficient, and careless. They spilled wine on a guest, argued with the bride, and refused to take responsibility for their mistakes. The bride's request was reasonable, and the server's refusal to comply left her with no choice but to ask them to leave.

Server became hostile

After the bride politely asked the server to improve their behavior, the server became defensive and hostile. They refused to take responsibility for their mistakes and even accused the bride of being unreasonable.

The server's hostility escalated quickly. They began to argue with the bride in front of the guests. The bride tried to remain calm and professional, but the server continued to berate her.

The server's behavior was completely unacceptable. They were being rude, disrespectful, and unprofessional. The bride had no choice but to ask the server to leave the wedding reception.

The server's hostility was a major factor in the bride's decision to kick them out of the wedding. The server's behavior was creating a hostile and uncomfortable environment for the guests. The bride had a right to ask the server to leave in order to protect the guests and the atmosphere of the wedding reception.

Bride asked server to leave

After the server became hostile, the bride had no choice but to ask them to leave the wedding reception. She explained that their behavior was unacceptable and that they were ruining the wedding for the guests.

  • The server's behavior was unacceptable.

    The server was rude, disrespectful, and unprofessional. They spilled wine on a guest, argued with the bride, and refused to take responsibility for their mistakes. The bride had a right to ask the server to leave in order to protect the guests and the atmosphere of the wedding reception.

  • The server refused to leave.

    After the bride asked the server to leave, they initially refused. The server argued that they had done nothing wrong and that the bride was being unreasonable. The bride had to ask the venue manager to intervene and remove the server from the premises.

  • The bride was justified in asking the server to leave.

    The server's behavior was unacceptable and they were ruining the wedding for the guests. The bride had a right to ask the server to leave in order to protect the guests and the atmosphere of the wedding reception.

  • The venue manager supported the bride's decision.

    The venue manager agreed that the server's behavior was unacceptable and that they needed to be removed from the premises. The venue manager helped to remove the server from the wedding reception.

The bride was justified in asking the server to leave. The server's behavior was unacceptable and they were ruining the wedding for the guests. The bride had a right to ask the server to leave in order to protect the guests and the atmosphere of the wedding reception.

Some guests supported bride's decision

After the bride asked the server to leave, some of the guests came to her defense. They agreed that the server's behavior was unacceptable and that the bride was justified in asking them to leave.

  • The guests were upset with the server's behavior.

    The guests had witnessed the server's rude and disrespectful behavior firsthand. They were upset that the server had ruined the wedding reception for the bride and groom.

  • The guests supported the bride's decision.

    The guests agreed that the bride was justified in asking the server to leave. They believed that the server's behavior was unacceptable and that the bride had a right to protect her guests.

  • The guests helped to remove the server.

    After the bride asked the server to leave, some of the guests helped to remove them from the wedding reception. They escorted the server out of the venue and made sure that they did not return.

  • The guests were happy with the bride's decision.

    The guests were happy that the bride had taken action to remove the server from the wedding reception. They believed that the bride had done the right thing and that the wedding reception could now continue without further incident.

Some of the guests supported the bride's decision to kick the server out of the wedding. They agreed that the server's behavior was unacceptable and that the bride was justified in asking them to leave.

Some guests felt bride overreacted

Not all of the guests agreed with the bride's decision to kick the server out of the wedding. Some guests felt that the bride had overreacted and that the server's behavior did not warrant such a harsh punishment.

  • The guests believed the server's behavior was not that bad.

    Some of the guests felt that the server's behavior was not as bad as the bride had made it out to be. They believed that the server was simply having a bad day and that the bride should have been more understanding.

  • The guests felt the bride should have handled the situation differently.

    Some of the guests felt that the bride should have handled the situation differently. They believed that the bride should have spoken to the server privately and tried to resolve the issue without kicking them out of the wedding.

  • The guests were concerned about the bride's reputation.

    Some of the guests were concerned about the bride's reputation. They believed that kicking the server out of the wedding was a drastic measure and that it would reflect poorly on the bride.

  • The guests felt sorry for the server.

    Some of the guests felt sorry for the server. They believed that the server had been humiliated and that the bride had been too harsh.

Some of the guests felt that the bride overreacted and that the server's behavior did not warrant being kicked out of the wedding. They believed that the bride should have handled the situation differently and that she had damaged her reputation by taking such a drastic measure.

Bride's post went viral on Reddit

After the wedding, the bride posted about her experience on Reddit's "Am I the A**hole" (AITA) forum. She explained what had happened and asked for advice on whether she was justified in kicking the server out of her wedding.

The bride's post quickly went viral, sparking a heated debate in the comments section. Some users supported the bride's decision, arguing that the server's behavior was unacceptable and that she was justified in asking them to leave. Others, however, felt that the bride was overreacting and that she should have handled the situation differently.

The bride's post generated a lot of discussion and debate. Some users shared their own experiences with rude or incompetent vendors, while others offered advice on how to handle difficult situations without resorting to kicking someone out of an event.

The bride's post went viral on Reddit because it resonated with many people who have had similar experiences with rude or incompetent vendors. The post also sparked a debate about the importance of customer service and the rights of business owners to refuse service to customers who are behaving badly.

Incident sparked heated debate

The incident between the bride and the server sparked a heated debate on Reddit and other social media platforms. Some people supported the bride's decision to kick the server out of her wedding, while others felt that she was overreacting.

  • Some people supported the bride's decision.

    Those who supported the bride's decision argued that the server's behavior was unacceptable and that the bride was justified in asking them to leave. They believed that the server had ruined the wedding reception for the bride and groom and that the bride had a right to protect her guests.

  • Some people felt the bride overreacted.

    Those who felt that the bride overreacted argued that the server's behavior was not that bad and that the bride should have handled the situation differently. They believed that the bride should have spoken to the server privately and tried to resolve the issue without kicking them out of the wedding.

  • The debate highlighted the importance of customer service.

    The debate also highlighted the importance of customer service. Many people commented on the fact that the server's behavior was unprofessional and that they should have been more respectful of the bride and her guests. The debate also raised questions about the rights of business owners to refuse service to customers who are behaving badly.

  • The debate continues to this day.

    The debate over whether the bride was justified in kicking the server out of her wedding continues to this day. There is no easy answer, and both sides of the argument have valid points. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide whether they believe the bride was justified in her actions.

The incident between the bride and the server sparked a heated debate that continues to this day. The debate highlights the importance of customer service and the rights of business owners to refuse service to customers who are behaving badly.

No consensus on whether bride was justified

There is no consensus on whether the bride was justified in kicking the server out of her wedding. Some people believe that she was justified, while others believe that she overreacted.

  • Some people believe the bride was justified.

    Those who believe the bride was justified argue that the server's behavior was unacceptable and that the bride had a right to protect her guests. They believe that the server ruined the wedding reception and that the bride was right to ask them to leave.

  • Some people believe the bride overreacted.

    Those who believe the bride overreacted argue that the server's behavior was not that bad and that the bride should have handled the situation differently. They believe that the bride should have spoken to the server privately and tried to resolve the issue without kicking them out of the wedding.

  • The debate continues to this day.

    The debate over whether the bride was justified in kicking the server out of her wedding continues to this day. There is no easy answer, and both sides of the argument have valid points. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide whether they believe the bride was justified in her actions.

  • There is no consensus.

    There is no consensus on whether the bride was justified in kicking the server out of her wedding. The debate continues to this day, and there is no clear answer.

The incident between the bride and the server has sparked a heated debate that continues to this day. There is no consensus on whether the bride was justified in kicking the server out of her wedding, and both sides of the argument have valid points.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the incident between the bride and the server:

Question 1: Was the bride justified in kicking the server out of her wedding?
Answer: There is no consensus on whether the bride was justified in kicking the server out of her wedding. Some people believe that she was justified, while others believe that she overreacted.

Question 2: What was the server's behavior like?
Answer: The server was rude, inefficient, and careless. They spilled wine on a guest, argued with the bride, and refused to take responsibility for their mistakes.

Question 3: How did the bride handle the situation?
Answer: The bride initially tried to resolve the issue by asking the server to improve their behavior. However, the server became hostile and refused to leave. The bride then had to ask the venue manager to intervene and remove the server from the premises.

Question 4: What was the reaction of the guests?
Answer: Some guests supported the bride's decision, while others felt that she overreacted. Some guests were upset with the server's behavior, while others felt sorry for them.

Question 5: Why did the bride's post go viral on Reddit?
Answer: The bride's post went viral on Reddit because it resonated with many people who have had similar experiences with rude or incompetent vendors. The post also sparked a debate about the importance of customer service and the rights of business owners to refuse service to customers who are behaving badly.

Question 6: Is there a consensus on whether the bride was justified in her actions?
Answer: No, there is no consensus. The debate over whether the bride was justified in kicking the server out of her wedding continues to this day.

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about the incident between the bride and the server. The debate over whether the bride was justified in her actions is likely to continue for some time.

In addition to the FAQ, here are some tips for dealing with difficult vendors:


Here are some tips for dealing with difficult vendors:

Tip 1: Stay calm and professional.
It can be difficult to stay calm when you're dealing with a difficult vendor, but it's important to remember that you're the customer and you have the right to be treated with respect. Stay calm and professional, and don't let the vendor's behavior get to you.

Tip 2: Document the vendor's behavior.
If the vendor is being rude, inefficient, or unprofessional, document their behavior. This can be done by writing down what happened, taking pictures or videos, or recording the conversation. This documentation will be helpful if you need to file a complaint or take legal action.

Tip 3: Try to resolve the issue directly with the vendor.
If possible, try to resolve the issue directly with the vendor. This may involve speaking to the vendor's manager or supervisor. Be clear about your expectations and what you want the vendor to do to resolve the issue.

Tip 4: If you can't resolve the issue directly, contact the venue manager or event planner.
If you can't resolve the issue directly with the vendor, contact the venue manager or event planner. They will be able to help you mediate the situation and get the issue resolved.

Dealing with difficult vendors can be stressful, but it's important to remember that you have rights as a customer. By following these tips, you can help to resolve the issue and protect your rights.

If you're still unsure about whether you were justified in kicking the server out of your wedding, consider the following:


The incident between the bride and the server has sparked a heated debate about whether the bride was justified in kicking the server out of her wedding. There is no easy answer, and both sides of the argument have valid points.

Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide whether they believe the bride was justified in her actions. However, it is important to remember that as a customer, you have the right to be treated with respect. If a vendor is being rude, inefficient, or unprofessional, you have the right to complain and to request a refund.

If you are planning a wedding or other event, it is important to do your research and to choose vendors that are reputable and professional. By following these tips, you can help to avoid problems and ensure that your event is a success.

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