Best Wedding Dance Songs 2024

Best Wedding Dance Songs 2024

Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life, and the music you choose for your first dance as a married couple will set the tone for the entire evening. If you're looking for the perfect song to dance to in 2024, here are a few of the top contenders.

When choosing your wedding dance song, it's important to consider the tempo, the lyrics, and the overall mood you want to create. You'll also want to make sure that the song is something that you and your partner both love.

With so many great songs to choose from, it can be hard to narrow down your options. Here are a few of the most popular wedding dance songs for 2024, along with some tips for choosing the perfect song for your big day.

Best Wedding Dance Songs 2024

When choosing your wedding dance song, it's important to consider the tempo, the lyrics, and the overall mood you want to create. You'll also want to make sure that the song is something that you and your partner both love.

  • Consider the tempo
  • Pay attention to the lyrics
  • Create the right mood
  • Choose a song you both love
  • Reflect your personality
  • Match the formality of the event
  • Consider the length of the song
  • Think about the dance style
  • Get feedback from friends and family
  • Don't be afraid to choose something unique

With so many great songs to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect one for your first dance as a married couple.

Consider the tempo

The tempo of your wedding dance song is an important factor to consider. You want to choose a song that has a beat that is comfortable for you and your partner to dance to. If the tempo is too fast, you may feel rushed and out of sync. If the tempo is too slow, you may feel like you're dragging your feet.

  • Start with a slower tempo. This will give you and your partner time to get into the groove and feel comfortable with the dance. As you get more comfortable, you can gradually increase the tempo.
  • Consider the length of the song. If you're planning on having a long first dance, you'll want to choose a song with a slower tempo. This will help to prevent you from getting tired or feeling rushed.
  • Think about the dance style. If you're planning on doing a choreographed dance, you'll need to choose a song with a tempo that matches the dance steps.
  • Get feedback from friends and family. Ask your friends and family to listen to the song and give you their feedback on the tempo. They can help you to determine if the tempo is too fast, too slow, or just right.

Once you've considered all of these factors, you can start narrowing down your choices for your wedding dance song. With so many great songs to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect one for your first dance as a married couple.

Pay attention to the lyrics

The lyrics of your wedding dance song are an important consideration. You want to choose a song that has lyrics that are meaningful to you and your partner. The lyrics should also be appropriate for the occasion. You don't want to choose a song with lyrics that are too racy or suggestive.

  • Think about the message of the song. What does the song say about love, marriage, and relationships? Does the message align with your own values and beliefs?
  • Consider the tone of the song. Is the song romantic, sweet, or fun? Does the tone match the mood you want to create for your first dance?
  • Make sure the lyrics are appropriate for all ages. If you're having a family-friendly wedding, you'll want to choose a song with lyrics that are appropriate for all ages.
  • Get feedback from friends and family. Ask your friends and family to listen to the song and give you their feedback on the lyrics. They can help you to determine if the lyrics are too cheesy, too sappy, or just right.

Once you've considered all of these factors, you can start narrowing down your choices for your wedding dance song. With so many great songs to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect one for your first dance as a married couple.

Create the right mood

The mood of your wedding dance song is an important consideration. You want to choose a song that creates the right atmosphere for your first dance as a married couple. If you're looking for a romantic and intimate song, you might choose a ballad. If you're looking for a more upbeat and fun song, you might choose a pop or dance song.

Here are a few things to consider when choosing the mood of your wedding dance song:

  • The formality of the event. If you're having a formal wedding, you might want to choose a more traditional song. If you're having a more casual wedding, you can choose a more modern or upbeat song.
  • The size of the dance floor. If you have a small dance floor, you might want to choose a song that is slower and more intimate. If you have a large dance floor, you can choose a song that is more upbeat and danceable.
  • Your personal style. Choose a song that reflects your personality and style as a couple. If you're a fun-loving couple, you might choose a song that is upbeat and danceable. If you're a more romantic couple, you might choose a song that is slow and intimate.

Once you've considered all of these factors, you can start narrowing down your choices for your wedding dance song. With so many great songs to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect one for your first dance as a married couple.

Choose a song you both love

The most important factor to consider when choosing your wedding dance song is that it is a song that you and your partner both love. This is the song that you will be dancing to for the first time as a married couple, so it should be a song that holds special meaning for you both.

Here are a few things to consider when choosing a song that you both love:

  • Think about songs that have special meaning for you as a couple. Maybe there's a song that you first danced to, or a song that you both love to sing together. These songs can be great choices for your wedding dance song.
  • Consider your personal music tastes. Do you both love the same genre of music? Or do you have different musical tastes? If you have different musical tastes, you can try to find a song that combines both of your favorite genres.
  • Don't be afraid to choose a song that is unique. Your wedding dance song doesn't have to be a traditional song. It can be a song from a movie, a TV show, or even a video game. As long as it is a song that you both love, it will be the perfect song for your first dance as a married couple.

Once you've considered all of these factors, you can start narrowing down your choices for your wedding dance song. With so many great songs to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect one for your first dance as a married couple.

Reflect your personality

Your wedding dance song is a chance to show off your personality as a couple. Choose a song that reflects your unique style and relationship. If you're a fun-loving couple, choose a song that is upbeat and danceable. If you're a more romantic couple, choose a song that is slow and intimate.

  • Think about your shared interests. What do you and your partner love to do together? Do you enjoy dancing, singing, or playing music? Choose a song that reflects your shared interests.
  • Consider your personal style. Are you a traditional couple or a more modern couple? Do you have a specific genre of music that you both love? Choose a song that reflects your personal style.
  • Don't be afraid to be unique. Your wedding dance song doesn't have to be a traditional song. It can be a song from a movie, a TV show, or even a video game. As long as it is a song that you both love and that reflects your personality, it will be the perfect song for your first dance as a married couple.
  • Get feedback from friends and family. Ask your friends and family to listen to your song choices and give you their feedback. They can help you to determine if the song is a good fit for your personality and style.

Once you've considered all of these factors, you can start narrowing down your choices for your wedding dance song. With so many great songs to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect one for your first dance as a married couple.

Match the formality of the event

The formality of your wedding will also play a role in choosing your wedding dance song. If you're having a formal wedding, you'll want to choose a song that is more traditional and elegant. If you're having a more casual wedding, you can choose a song that is more modern and upbeat.

Here are a few things to consider when matching the formality of your wedding to your dance song:

  • The venue. The venue of your wedding will also play a role in choosing your dance song. If you're getting married in a church or other formal setting, you'll want to choose a song that is more traditional and elegant. If you're getting married in a more casual setting, you can choose a song that is more modern and upbeat.
  • The size of the wedding. The size of your wedding will also play a role in choosing your dance song. If you're having a large wedding, you'll want to choose a song that is more upbeat and danceable. If you're having a smaller wedding, you can choose a song that is more intimate and romantic.
  • The time of day. The time of day of your wedding will also play a role in choosing your dance song. If you're getting married in the evening, you'll want to choose a song that is more romantic and intimate. If you're getting married during the day, you can choose a song that is more upbeat and danceable.

Once you've considered all of these factors, you can start narrowing down your choices for your wedding dance song. With so many great songs to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect one for your first dance as a married couple.

Consider the length of the song

The length of your wedding dance song is another important factor to consider. You want to choose a song that is long enough to give you and your partner time to dance and enjoy the moment, but not so long that it becomes boring or repetitive.

  • The average length of a wedding dance song is 3-4 minutes. This is a good length of time to give you and your partner time to dance and enjoy the moment, but not so long that it becomes boring or repetitive.
  • If you're having a long first dance, you may want to choose a song that is 4-5 minutes long. This will give you and your partner more time to dance and enjoy the moment.
  • If you're having a shorter first dance, you may want to choose a song that is 2-3 minutes long. This will help to keep the dance moving and prevent it from becoming boring or repetitive.
  • No matter what length of song you choose, make sure that it is a song that you and your partner both love. This is the song that you will be dancing to for the first time as a married couple, so it should be a song that holds special meaning for you both.

Once you've considered all of these factors, you can start narrowing down your choices for your wedding dance song. With so many great songs to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect one for your first dance as a married couple.

Think about the dance style

The dance style you choose for your first dance will also play a role in choosing your wedding dance song. If you're planning on doing a traditional waltz, you'll want to choose a song that has a slow and elegant tempo. If you're planning on doing a more modern dance, you can choose a song that is more upbeat and danceable.

  • Consider the steps involved in the dance. Some songs have specific steps that are associated with them. If you're planning on doing a specific dance, make sure that you choose a song that has the right tempo and rhythm for the dance.
  • Think about the mood you want to create. Do you want your first dance to be romantic and intimate, or do you want it to be more upbeat and fun? Choose a song that matches the mood you want to create.
  • Get feedback from your dance instructor. If you're working with a dance instructor, ask them for their feedback on your song choice. They can help you to determine if the song is a good fit for the dance style you've chosen.
  • Don't be afraid to choose a song that is unique. Your wedding dance song doesn't have to be a traditional song. It can be a song from a movie, a TV show, or even a video game. As long as it is a song that you and your partner both love and that fits the dance style you've chosen, it will be the perfect song for your first dance as a married couple.

Once you've considered all of these factors, you can start narrowing down your choices for your wedding dance song. With so many great songs to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect one for your first dance as a married couple.

Get feedback from friends and family

Once you've narrowed down your choices for your wedding dance song, it's a good idea to get feedback from your friends and family. They can help you to determine if the song is a good fit for you and your partner, and if it matches the style and tone of your wedding.

Here are a few tips for getting feedback from friends and family:

  • Choose a few people whose opinions you trust. These could be close friends, family members, or even your wedding planner.
  • Give them a list of your top choices. Ask them to listen to the songs and give you their feedback on each one.
  • Be open to their suggestions. They may have some great ideas that you hadn't thought of.
  • Don't be afraid to change your mind. If you get feedback that a particular song isn't a good fit, don't be afraid to cross it off your list.

Getting feedback from friends and family can be a helpful way to make sure that you choose the perfect wedding dance song for you and your partner.

Don't be afraid to choose something unique

Your wedding dance song is a chance to show off your personality as a couple. Don't feel like you have to choose a traditional song. There are many great non-traditional songs that would be perfect for your first dance as a married couple.

Here are a few tips for choosing a unique wedding dance song:

  • Think about songs that have special meaning for you as a couple. Maybe there's a song that you first danced to, or a song that you both love to sing together. These songs can be great choices for your wedding dance song.
  • Consider your personal music tastes. Do you both love the same genre of music? Or do you have different musical tastes? If you have different musical tastes, you can try to find a song that combines both of your favorite genres.
  • Don't be afraid to choose a song from a movie, TV show, or even a video game. As long as it is a song that you both love and that has special meaning for you, it can be the perfect song for your first dance as a married couple.
  • Get feedback from your friends and family. If you're not sure whether or not your song choice is unique enough, ask your friends and family for their feedback. They can help you to determine if the song is a good fit for your personality and style.

Choosing a unique wedding dance song is a great way to make your first dance as a married couple even more special and memorable.


Here are some frequently asked questions about choosing the best wedding dance songs for 2024:

Question 1: What are the most popular wedding dance songs for 2024?
Answer 1: Some of the most popular wedding dance songs for 2024 include "Can't Help Falling in Love" by Elvis Presley, "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran, and "Shallow" by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper.

Question 2: How do I choose the perfect wedding dance song?
Answer 2: When choosing your wedding dance song, it's important to consider the tempo, the lyrics, and the overall mood you want to create. You'll also want to make sure that the song is something that you and your partner both love.

Question 3: What are some unique wedding dance songs?
Answer 3: If you're looking for a unique wedding dance song, consider choosing a song from a movie, TV show, or video game. You can also choose a song that has special meaning for you and your partner.

Question 4: How long should my wedding dance song be?
Answer 4: The average length of a wedding dance song is 3-4 minutes. However, you can choose a song that is longer or shorter, depending on your preference.

Question 5: Do I need to hire a dance instructor to learn how to dance to my wedding song?
Answer 5: It's not necessary to hire a dance instructor to learn how to dance to your wedding song. However, if you're not confident in your dancing abilities, you may want to consider taking a few lessons.

Question 6: Can I change my wedding dance song after I've chosen it?
Answer 6: Yes, you can change your wedding dance song after you've chosen it. However, it's important to make the change as early as possible so that you have enough time to practice the new dance.

Choosing the perfect wedding dance song is an important part of planning your wedding. By following these tips, you can choose a song that you and your partner will love and that will create the perfect atmosphere for your first dance as a married couple.

In addition to the tips provided in this article, here are a few additional tips for choosing the best wedding dance songs for 2024:


Here are a few additional tips for choosing the best wedding dance songs for 2024:

  • Start your search early. The sooner you start looking for your wedding dance song, the more time you'll have to find the perfect one.
  • Create a playlist of potential songs. Once you've started your search, create a playlist of potential songs. This will help you to narrow down your choices and choose the perfect song for your first dance.
  • Get feedback from your partner, family, and friends. Once you've chosen a few potential songs, get feedback from your partner, family, and friends. They can help you to determine if the song is a good fit for you and your partner, and if it matches the style and tone of your wedding.
  • Practice your dance. Once you've chosen your wedding dance song, it's important to practice your dance. This will help you to feel confident and comfortable on your wedding day.

Choosing the perfect wedding dance song is an important part of planning your wedding. By following these tips, you can choose a song that you and your partner will love and that will create the perfect atmosphere for your first dance as a married couple.

With so many great songs to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect wedding dance song for 2024. Just remember to consider the tempo, the lyrics, and the overall mood you want to create. And don't be afraid to choose a song that is unique and special to you and your partner.


Choosing the perfect wedding dance song is an important part of planning your wedding. The song you choose will set the tone for your first dance as a married couple, and it will be a song that you and your partner will remember for the rest of your lives.

When choosing your wedding dance song, it's important to consider the tempo, the lyrics, and the overall mood you want to create. You'll also want to make sure that the song is something that you and your partner both love.

If you're looking for a unique wedding dance song, consider choosing a song from a movie, TV show, or video game. You can also choose a song that has special meaning for you and your partner.

No matter what song you choose, make sure that it is a song that you and your partner will love and that will create the perfect atmosphere for your first dance as a married couple.

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