Wedding Verses for Cards

Wedding Verses for Cards

When attending a wedding, it is customary to bring a card to congratulate the happy couple. A thoughtful way to make your card even more special is to include a handwritten verse.

Wedding verses can be found in a variety of places, including online, in books, and even in magazines. However, if you are looking for a truly unique verse, you may want to consider writing your own. This can be a great way to express your personal feelings for the couple and to wish them all the best on their new journey together.

Here are a few tips for writing your own wedding verse:

wedding verses for cards

Wedding verses can be a beautiful way to express your congratulations and well wishes to the happy couple. Here are 8 important points to keep in mind when writing your own wedding verse:

  • Be brief.
  • Be personal.
  • Be sincere.
  • Be positive.
  • Be appropriate.
  • Consider the couple's interests.
  • Proofread your work.
  • Write from the heart.

By following these tips, you can write a wedding verse that will be cherished by the happy couple for years to come.

Be brief.

When writing a wedding verse for a card, it is important to be brief. A good rule of thumb is to keep your verse to around 4-8 lines. This will ensure that your verse is easy to read and that it doesn't take up too much space on the card.

  • Keep it simple.

    Avoid using complex language or flowery prose. Your verse should be easy to understand and heartfelt.

  • Focus on the main points.

    Don't try to cram too much into your verse. Instead, focus on the main points that you want to convey to the couple.

  • Use short, concise sentences.

    Long, rambling sentences will make your verse difficult to read. Instead, use short, concise sentences that are easy to understand.

  • Proofread your work.

    Once you have written your verse, be sure to proofread it carefully for any errors. This will ensure that your verse is polished and error-free.

By following these tips, you can write a brief and beautiful wedding verse that will be cherished by the happy couple for years to come.

Be personal.

When writing a wedding verse for a card, it is important to be personal. This means including details that are specific to the couple, such as their names, wedding date, or a special memory that you share. By making your verse personal, you will create a truly unique and meaningful gift that the couple will cherish for years to come.

  • Use the couple's names.

    Including the couple's names in your verse is a great way to make it personal. You can use their first names, last names, or even nicknames.

  • Mention their wedding date.

    The couple's wedding date is another important detail that you can include in your verse. This will help to make your verse even more special and memorable.

  • Share a special memory.

    If you have a special memory of the couple, you can share it in your verse. This could be a memory from their childhood, their first date, or any other special moment that you have shared together.

  • Write from the heart.

    The most important thing is to write your verse from the heart. Let your words come from a place of love and sincerity, and the couple will be sure to appreciate it.

By following these tips, you can write a personal and heartfelt wedding verse that will be cherished by the happy couple for years to come.

Be sincere.

When writing a wedding verse for a card, it is important to be sincere. This means writing from the heart and expressing your genuine feelings for the couple. Avoid using clichés or generic phrases, and instead focus on writing something that is unique and personal to you.

One way to be sincere is to share a special memory that you have of the couple. This could be a memory from their childhood, their first date, or any other special moment that you have shared together. By sharing a personal memory, you will show the couple that you care about them and that you are invested in their relationship.

Another way to be sincere is to write about the qualities that you admire in the couple. This could include their love for each other, their sense of humor, or their commitment to family and friends. By writing about the qualities that you admire, you will show the couple that you respect and appreciate them.

Whatever you choose to write, make sure that it comes from the heart. The couple will be able to tell if you are being sincere, and they will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

By following these tips, you can write a sincere and heartfelt wedding verse that will be cherished by the happy couple for years to come.

Be positive.

When writing a wedding verse for a card, it is important to be positive. This means focusing on the happy aspects of the couple's relationship and their future together. Avoid making negative comments or jokes, and instead focus on writing something that is uplifting and encouraging.

  • Celebrate the couple's love.

    The wedding day is a celebration of the couple's love for each other. In your verse, you can celebrate their love by writing about their unique connection and the special qualities that they bring to their relationship.

  • Wish them well for the future.

    The couple is starting a new chapter in their lives together. In your verse, you can wish them well for the future and express your hopes for their happiness and success.

  • Offer words of encouragement.

    Marriage is not always easy, so it is important to offer the couple words of encouragement. In your verse, you can remind them of their strength as a couple and express your confidence in their ability to overcome any challenges they may face.

  • Share a happy memory.

    If you have a happy memory of the couple, you can share it in your verse. This could be a memory from their childhood, their first date, or any other special moment that you have shared together. By sharing a happy memory, you will remind the couple of the good times they have had together and give them something to smile about on their wedding day.

By following these tips, you can write a positive and uplifting wedding verse that will be cherished by the happy couple for years to come.

Be appropriate.

When writing a wedding verse for a card, it is important to be appropriate. This means considering the audience and the occasion. Your verse should be respectful and tasteful, and it should avoid any potentially offensive or controversial topics.

  • Consider the audience.

    Who will be reading your verse? The couple, their family, and their friends? Keep your audience in mind when choosing your words and tone.

  • Consider the occasion.

    A wedding is a formal occasion, so your verse should be appropriate for the setting. Avoid using slang or colloquialisms, and keep your language clean and respectful.

  • Avoid potentially offensive or controversial topics.

    This includes topics such as politics, religion, and sex. If you are unsure whether a topic is appropriate, it is best to err on the side of caution and avoid it.

  • Keep it positive.

    A wedding is a happy occasion, so your verse should be positive and celebratory. Avoid making negative comments or jokes, and instead focus on writing something that is complimentary and encouraging.

By following these tips, you can write an appropriate and respectful wedding verse that will be appreciated by the couple and their guests.

Consider the couple's interests.

When writing a wedding verse for a card, it is important to consider the couple's interests. This will help you to write a verse that is personal and meaningful to them. If you know the couple well, you may already have a good idea of what their interests are. However, if you are not sure, there are a few things you can do to learn more about them.

One way to learn about the couple's interests is to talk to their friends or family. They may be able to give you some insights into the couple's hobbies, passions, and values. Another way to learn about the couple's interests is to observe them. Pay attention to the things they talk about, the activities they enjoy, and the books and movies they like. This can give you a good idea of what is important to them.

Once you have a good understanding of the couple's interests, you can start to write your verse. Be sure to include details that are specific to them, such as their shared hobbies or their favorite activities. By considering the couple's interests, you can write a verse that is truly personal and meaningful to them.

Here are a few examples of how to incorporate the couple's interests into your wedding verse:

  • If the couple loves to travel, you could write about their adventures together and wish them a lifetime of happiness.
  • If the couple loves to cook, you could write about their shared passion for food and wish them a lifetime of delicious meals.
  • If the couple loves to read, you could write about their love of books and wish them a lifetime of literary adventures.

Proofread your work.

Once you have written your wedding verse, it is important to proofread it carefully. This will help you to catch any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. It is also a good idea to have someone else proofread your verse, as they may be able to catch errors that you missed.

  • Check for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

    These types of errors can make your verse look unprofessional and sloppy. Make sure to proofread your verse carefully and correct any errors that you find.

  • Have someone else proofread your verse.

    This is a good way to catch errors that you may have missed. Ask a friend, family member, or colleague to proofread your verse and give you feedback.

  • Read your verse aloud.

    This will help you to catch any awkward phrasing or errors in flow. Make sure that your verse is easy to read and understand.

  • Make sure that your verse is the right length.

    Most wedding verses are between 4 and 8 lines long. Make sure that your verse is not too long or too short.

By following these tips, you can proofread your wedding verse and make sure that it is error-free and polished.

Write from the heart.

The most important thing to remember when writing a wedding verse for a card is to write from the heart. This means writing what you truly feel about the couple and their marriage. Don't try to be clever or funny, just be sincere and honest.

If you're not sure what to write, start by thinking about the couple's relationship. What makes them special? What do you admire about them? What do you wish for them in their future together?

Once you have a good understanding of what you want to say, start writing. Don't worry about making it perfect, just let your thoughts flow. You can always edit and revise your verse later.

Here are a few tips for writing from the heart:

  • Be personal.

    Share your own thoughts and feelings about the couple and their marriage.

  • Be sincere.

    Write what you truly feel, even if it's not what you think the couple wants to hear.

  • Be brief.

    A wedding verse should be short and sweet. Keep your verse to around 4-8 lines.

  • Be positive.

    A wedding is a happy occasion, so make sure your verse is positive and uplifting.

By following these tips, you can write a wedding verse that is heartfelt and meaningful. The couple will appreciate your thoughtfulness and your willingness to share your feelings with them.


Here are some frequently asked questions about writing wedding verses for cards:

Question 1: How long should a wedding verse be?
Answer: A wedding verse should be short and sweet, around 4-8 lines.

Question 2: What should I include in a wedding verse?
Answer: You can include anything you want in a wedding verse, but some common elements include:

  • Congratulations to the couple
  • Well wishes for their future together
  • A personal anecdote or memory
  • A quote or saying about love or marriage

Question 3: How can I make my wedding verse more personal?
Answer: To make your wedding verse more personal, include details that are specific to the couple, such as their names, wedding date, or a special memory that you share.

Question 4: What if I'm not good at writing poetry?
Answer: Don't worry if you're not good at writing poetry. You can still write a beautiful and meaningful wedding verse by simply expressing your thoughts and feelings from the heart.

Question 5: Can I use a quote or saying in my wedding verse?
Answer: Yes, you can use a quote or saying in your wedding verse, but make sure that it is relevant to the couple and their relationship.

Question 6: Should I sign my wedding verse?
Answer: It is not necessary to sign your wedding verse, but you can if you want to. If you do sign your verse, include your name and the date.

Question 7: What is the best way to present my wedding verse?
Answer: You can present your wedding verse in a variety of ways, such as writing it on a card, in a scrapbook, or on a framed piece of paper.

These are just a few of the most frequently asked questions about writing wedding verses for cards. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask.


Here are a few tips for writing wedding verses for cards:

Tip 1: Keep it brief. A wedding verse should be short and sweet, around 4-8 lines. This will ensure that your verse is easy to read and that it doesn't take up too much space on the card.

Tip 2: Be personal. Include details that are specific to the couple, such as their names, wedding date, or a special memory that you share. This will make your verse more meaningful to them.

Tip 3: Be sincere. Write what you truly feel about the couple and their marriage. Don't try to be clever or funny, just be sincere and honest.

Tip 4: Proofread your work. Once you have written your verse, proofread it carefully for any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. This will ensure that your verse is polished and error-free.

By following these tips, you can write a wedding verse that is beautiful and meaningful. The couple will appreciate your thoughtfulness and your willingness to share your feelings with them.


Wedding verses for cards are a beautiful way to express your congratulations and well wishes to the happy couple. When writing a wedding verse, it is important to be brief, personal, sincere, and positive. You should also proofread your work carefully before giving it to the couple.

By following these tips, you can write a wedding verse that will be cherished by the couple for years to come. Your words will help them to remember their special day and the love that surrounds them.

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