What to Write in a Wedding Thank You Card

What to Write in a Wedding Thank You Card

When it comes to wedding thank you cards, it's less about the length and more about the sentiment. These heartfelt notes are a chance for you and your partner to express your gratitude to your guests for sharing in your special day.

Most experts agree that it's best to keep wedding thank you cards relatively brief, but they should always be personalized to the recipient. That said, it's okay to use some of the same language for different cards, especially if they're going to guests with whom you're not particularly close. It's the thought that counts!

After you've sampled the champagne and settled back into married life, you might not be feeling inspired to write a stack of wedding thank you cards. Having a plan can make the task a little easier, however, so here's a five-step formula you can follow:

What to Write in a Wedding Thank You Card

Crafting thoughtful wedding thank you cards doesn't have to be a daunting task. Here are 10 important points to keep in mind:

  • Personalize each card
  • Be specific about the gift
  • Express your gratitude
  • Share a special memory
  • Keep it brief
  • Proofread carefully
  • Mail promptly
  • Use high-quality paper
  • Consider a handwritten note
  • Don't be afraid to be creative

By following these tips, you can create meaningful thank you cards that your guests will cherish.

Personalize each card

One of the most important things you can do when writing wedding thank you cards is to personalize each card to the recipient. This means taking the time to mention the specific gift they gave you, as well as a special memory you shared with them at the wedding. If you're not sure what to say, you can always refer to the gift registry or your wedding website for inspiration.

Here are a few examples of personalized thank you card messages:

  • Dear [Guest Name], Thank you so much for the beautiful vase! It's the perfect addition to our new home, and we'll cherish it always. We loved dancing with you at the wedding - it was so much fun!
  • Dear [Guest Name], Thank you for the generous gift certificate to our favorite restaurant! We're looking forward to using it on a special date night. We're so grateful for your support and love.
  • Dear [Guest Name], Thank you for the thoughtful gift of a personalized cutting board! It's such a unique and special gift, and we'll use it every day. We're so lucky to have you in our lives.

By taking the time to personalize each card, you'll show your guests how much you appreciate their thoughtfulness and support.

In addition to personalizing the message, you can also personalize the card itself by using different fonts, colors, and even photos. If you're feeling creative, you can even design your own thank you cards from scratch. No matter what you choose, the most important thing is to put your own personal touch on each card.

Be specific about the gift

When expressing your gratitude for a wedding gift, be sure to be specific about the item you received. This shows the guest that you paid attention to their gift and that you appreciate it. For example, instead of saying "Thank you for your generous gift," you could say "Thank you for the beautiful vase! It's the perfect addition to our new home." Or, instead of saying "Thank you for the gift certificate," you could say "Thank you for the generous gift certificate to our favorite restaurant! We're looking forward to using it on a special date night."

If you're not sure what the gift was, you can always refer to the gift registry or your wedding website. You can also ask a family member or friend who helped you with the gifts.

Here are a few more tips for being specific about the gift in your thank you card:

  • Mention the name of the gift, if possible.
  • Describe the gift in detail, including its color, size, and any other unique features.
  • Explain how you plan to use the gift.
  • Share a special memory that you have associated with the gift.

By being specific about the gift, you'll show the guest that you appreciate their thoughtfulness and that their gift was meaningful to you.

In addition to being specific about the gift, you should also be specific about the guest. This means addressing the card to the guest by name and using a personal salutation, such as "Dear [Guest Name]." You should also close the card with a personal sign-off, such as "Sincerely, [Your Name]."

Express your gratitude

The most important part of a wedding thank you card is expressing your gratitude to the guest for sharing in your special day. There are many different ways to do this, but some common phrases include:

  • Thank you for coming to our wedding

    This is a simple but sincere way to express your appreciation for the guest's presence at your wedding. You can also add a personal touch by mentioning something specific that you enjoyed about their company, such as "We loved dancing with you at the reception!"

  • Thank you for your generous gift

    If the guest gave you a gift, be sure to thank them for their generosity. Be specific about the gift, and explain how you plan to use it. For example, you could say "Thank you for the beautiful vase! It's the perfect addition to our new home." Or, "Thank you for the gift certificate to our favorite restaurant! We're looking forward to using it on a special date night."

  • Thank you for your love and support

    This is a more general way to express your gratitude to the guest for their support throughout your relationship. You can also mention a specific way that they have supported you, such as "Thank you for always being there for us." Or, "Thank you for your help with the wedding planning."

  • We are so grateful for your presence in our lives

    This is a heartfelt way to express your appreciation for the guest's friendship or family relationship. You can also share a special memory that you have with the guest, such as "We'll always cherish the memory of dancing with you at our wedding." Or, "We're so grateful for your support over the years."

No matter what words you choose, be sure to express your gratitude sincerely and from the heart. Your guests will appreciate your thoughtfulness, and they will be touched to know how much you care about them.

Share a special memory

One of the best ways to make your wedding thank you cards more personal and meaningful is to share a special memory that you have with the guest. This could be a memory from your wedding day, from your relationship, or even from your childhood. Sharing a special memory will help the guest to feel connected to you and to your wedding day.

  • Mention a specific moment from your wedding day

    This could be a moment from the ceremony, the reception, or even the getting-ready process. For example, you could say "We'll always cherish the memory of you giving a toast at our wedding." Or, "Thank you for being there to help us get ready on the morning of our wedding."

  • Share a special moment from your relationship

    This could be a moment from when you first met, started dating, or got engaged. For example, you could say "We'll never forget the day we met at that coffee shop." Or, "Thank you for being there for me during our engagement."

  • Recall a childhood memory

    If you've known the guest for a long time, you could share a special memory from your childhood. This could be a memory from a family vacation, a school event, or even just a day spent playing together. For example, you could say "I remember the time we built that fort in the backyard." Or, "Thank you for being such a good friend to me over the years."

  • Express your appreciation for the guest's support

    This is a more general way to share a special memory, but it can be just as meaningful. You could simply say "Thank you for being such a supportive friend." Or, "We're so grateful for your love and support over the years."

No matter what memory you choose to share, be sure to do so in a sincere and heartfelt way. Your guests will appreciate your thoughtfulness, and they will be touched to know how much you care about them.

Keep it brief

While you want your wedding thank you cards to be personal and meaningful, it's also important to keep them brief. Guests will appreciate a short and sweet card that they can read quickly and easily. Aim for a length of around 100-150 words.

Here are a few tips for keeping your thank you cards brief:

  • Be concise. Get to the point and avoid using unnecessary words or phrases.
  • Use short sentences. Long sentences can be difficult to read and understand.
  • Use bullet points. Bullet points can help to break up your text and make it easier to read.
  • Proofread carefully. Make sure there are no errors in your grammar or spelling.

If you're struggling to keep your thank you cards brief, try reading them aloud. This will help you to identify any unnecessary words or phrases. You can also ask a friend or family member to read your cards and give you feedback.

Remember, the most important thing is to express your gratitude to your guests. Don't worry about writing the perfect thank you card. Just be sincere and heartfelt, and your guests will appreciate your thoughtfulness.


Setelah Anda selesai membuat draf, luangkan waktu untuk membaca ulang dengan cermat. Pastikan tidak ada kesalahan ejaan, tandaBaca, atau kesalahan gramatikal. Anda juga dapat meminta orang lain membaca kartu Anda dan memberi umpan bali

  • Periksa ejaan dan tanda Baca

    Kesalahan ejaan dan tanda Baca dapat membuat kartu ucapan terkesan tidak profesional dan mengurangi kesungguhan pesan Anda. Gunakan kamus atau alat pemeriKSA ejaan untuk memastikanejaan dan tanda Baca Anda sudah tepat.

  • Periksa kesalahan gramatikal

    Kesalahan gramatikal juga dapat mengurangi wibawa kartu ucapan Anda. Baca kartu Anda dengan nyaring untuk mengidentifikasi kesalahan apa pun dalam aliran atau struktur kalimat. Anda juga dapat menggunakan alat pemeriKSA gramar untuk memastikangramatika Anda sudah tepat.

  • Pastikan nada dan gaya tulisan sudah tepat

    Pastiksangaya dan nada tulisan Anda sesuaidengan hubungan Anda dengan penerima kartu. Misalnya, jika Anda mengirim kartu ucapan kepada klien bisnis, gunakanlah nada yang lebih formal. Namun, jika Anda mengirim kartu kepada teman dekat, Anda bisa menggunakan nada yang lebih santai dan akrab.

  • Singkirkan kata- atau farsa yang tidak essensial

    Kartu ucapan yang singkat dan padat lebih mudah dibaca dan dipahami. Hilangkan kata- atau farsa yang tidak essensial dan fokuslah hanya pada poin-poinpenting.

Saat Anda telah membaca ulang kartu ucapan Anda dengan cermat dan melakukan perubahan yang diperlukan, Anda dapat merasa yakin bahwa kartu tersebut akan mencerminkankan dengan baik penghargaan dan kasih sayang Anda kepada penerima.

Mail promptly

Once you've finished writing your wedding thank you cards, it's important to mail them promptly. Guests will appreciate receiving your thank you note while your wedding is still fresh in their minds. Aim to mail your thank you cards within two to three weeks after your wedding.

  • Use the correct postage

    Make sure to use the correct postage on your thank you cards. If you're not sure how much postage you need, you can weigh your cards at the post office.

  • Address the envelopes clearly

    Be sure to address the envelopes clearly and legibly. If the guest's address is difficult to read, the post office may not be able to deliver the card.

  • Use a tracking number

    If you're concerned about your thank you cards getting lost in the mail, you can use a tracking number. This will allow you to track the progress of your cards and make sure they're delivered to the correct address.

  • Consider using a thank you card service

    If you're short on time or don't want to deal with the hassle of mailing your thank you cards yourself, you can use a thank you card service. These services will print, address, and mail your cards for you.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your wedding thank you cards are mailed promptly and delivered to your guests without any problems.

Use high-quality paper

The paper you choose for your wedding thank you cards can make a big difference in the overall impression of the card. Opt for high-quality paper that is thick and durable. This will show your guests that you care about the quality of your thank you cards and that you appreciate their presence at your wedding.

  • Consider the weight of the paper

    The weight of the paper is measured in pounds per ream. A higher weight indicates a thicker paper. For wedding thank you cards, a paper weight of 80-100 pounds is a good choice.

  • Choose a paper with a smooth finish

    A smooth finish will make it easier to write on the cards and will give them a more polished look.

  • Consider the color of the paper

    The color of the paper can set the tone for your thank you cards. For a classic look, choose a white or cream-colored paper. For a more modern look, you could choose a colored paper, such as gray or blue.

  • Add a personal touch

    You can add a personal touch to your thank you cards by using a paper with a unique texture or by adding a monogram or other design.

By choosing high-quality paper for your wedding thank you cards, you can create a lasting impression that your guests will cherish.

Consider a handwritten note

While it's not necessary to handwrite your entire thank you card, adding a handwritten note can make it feel more personal and heartfelt. You could write a brief message at the top of the card, or you could add a handwritten note to the bottom of the card after you've typed or printed the main text.

Here are a few tips for writing a handwritten note:

  • Use a pen that writes smoothly and legibly
  • Write in a clear and concise style
  • Be sincere and heartfelt
  • Proofread your note before you send it

A handwritten note is a thoughtful way to show your guests how much you appreciate their presence at your wedding. It's a small gesture that can make a big difference.

In addition to the tips above, here are a few other things to keep in mind when considering a handwritten note:

  • If you have a lot of guests, you may not have time to write a handwritten note to everyone. In this case, you could consider sending a typed or printed thank you card with a handwritten signature.
  • If you're not comfortable with your handwriting, you could ask a friend or family member to write the handwritten note for you.
  • You don't have to write a long handwritten note. Even a few words of thanks can be meaningful.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to include a handwritten note is up to you. If you think it would add a personal touch to your thank you cards, then go for it! Your guests will appreciate the extra effort.

Don't be afraid to be creative

Wedding thank you cards are a great opportunity to express your creativity. There are no hard and fast rules, so feel free to get creative with your design and wording. Here are a few ideas:

  • Use a unique design

    There are many different ways to design a wedding thank you card. You could use a template, create your own design from scratch, or hire a professional designer to help you. If you're using a template, be sure to customize it to make it your own.

  • Use creative wording

    Don't be afraid to get creative with the wording of your thank you cards. You could write a poem, a song, or even a short story. You could also use quotes from your favorite books, movies, or songs.

  • Include personal touches

    Add personal touches to your thank you cards to make them more meaningful. You could include photos of you and your guests, or you could write a specific message to each guest. You could also include a small gift, such as a gift certificate or a piece of jewelry.

  • Make it a keepsake

    Create thank you cards that your guests will want to keep as a keepsake. You could use high-quality paper, add embellishments, or frame the cards. You could also create a digital thank you card that your guests can download and save.

The most important thing is to be yourself and to have fun with your thank you cards. Your guests will appreciate the thought and effort you put into them.


Here are answers to some common questions about what to write in a wedding thank you card:

Question 1: What should I include in a wedding thank you card?
Answer: At the very least, your thank you card should include a personal message of gratitude to your guests for attending your wedding and a mention of the gift they gave you. You can also include a special memory you shared with the guest or a brief update on your life since the wedding.

Question 2: How long should a wedding thank you card be?
Answer: Wedding thank you cards should be brief and to the point, around 100-150 words. Guests will appreciate a short and sweet card that they can read quickly and easily.

Question 3: What is the proper way to address a wedding thank you card?
Answer: Address the thank you card to the guest by name, using their formal name if you are not close to them. You can also include the guest's title, such as "Mr." or "Ms." if desired.

Question 4: What is the proper way to sign a wedding thank you card?
Answer: Sign the thank you card with your first name and your spouse's first name. You can also include your last name if you wish.

Question 5: What if I don't know what to say in a wedding thank you card?
Answer: If you're struggling to find the right words to say in your wedding thank you cards, there are many resources available online and in libraries that can help you. You can also ask a friend or family member for help.

Question 6: When should I send out wedding thank you cards?
Answer: Wedding thank you cards should be sent out within two to three weeks after your wedding. This gives you time to collect all of the gifts and to write your thank you notes.

Question 7: What if I have a large number of guests to thank?
Answer: If you have a large number of guests to thank, you may want to consider using a template or a thank you card service to help you save time. You can also enlist the help of friends or family members to write and address the cards.

Question 8: What is the proper etiquette for sending thank you cards to guests who did not attend the wedding?
Answer: It is not necessary to send thank you cards to guests who did not attend your wedding. However, you may want to send a note to these guests to let them know that you appreciate their support and that you were thinking of them on your wedding day.

These are just a few of the most common questions about what to write in a wedding thank you card. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Now that you know what to write in a wedding thank you card, here are a few tips to help you write the perfect thank you note:


Here are a few tips to help you write the perfect wedding thank you card:

1. Be personal
Your thank you cards should be personal and heartfelt. Take the time to write a unique message to each guest, and mention the specific gift they gave you. You can also share a special memory you shared with the guest or a brief update on your life since the wedding.

2. Be brief
Wedding thank you cards should be brief and to the point, around 100-150 words. Guests will appreciate a short and sweet card that they can read quickly and easily.

3. Proofread carefully
Before you send out your thank you cards, proofread them carefully for any errors in grammar or spelling. You may also want to ask a friend or family member to read over your cards before you send them.

4. Send your thank you cards promptly
Wedding thank you cards should be sent out within two to three weeks after your wedding. This gives you time to collect all of the gifts and to write your thank you notes. However, it's better to send your cards late than not at all, so don't stress if you can't get them out within the ideal time frame.

By following these tips, you can write thank you cards that your guests will appreciate and cherish.

Now that you know what to write in a wedding thank you card and have some tips for writing the perfect thank you note, it's time to get started! Take some time to reflect on your wedding day and the people who made it so special. Then, put pen to paper and express your gratitude to your guests in a heartfelt and meaningful way.


Writing wedding thank you cards is a great way to show your guests how much you appreciate their presence at your wedding and their support. By following the tips in this article, you can write thank you cards that are personal, heartfelt, and meaningful.

Here is a summary of the main points:

  • Personalize each card to the recipient.
  • Be specific about the gift.
  • Express your gratitude.
  • Share a special memory.
  • Keep it brief.
  • Proofread carefully.
  • Mail promptly.
  • Use high-quality paper.
  • Consider a handwritten note.
  • Don't be afraid to be creative.

By following these tips, you can write thank you cards that your guests will cherish for years to come.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope it has been helpful. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

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